eye level dazhi

EyeLevel 是一項已被證實成功、並廣受歡迎的全球學習計劃


EyeLevel is a popular, global learning program with proven success.

The goal is to assist children to develop critical and analytical thinking abilities and become independent learners.

理念 Our Philosophy

eye level dazhi philosophy


Each child is unique individual who develops intellectually at their own pace. Learning needs to be an engaging and enriching experience in which the student is proactive in the learning process. A small step approach to mastering foundational skills is essential to ensure each student understands fundamental concepts. Self directed learning deepens knowledge that builds confidence so each student can think independently and critically of the world around them.

課程 Our Program

eye level dazhi
eye level dazhi math

EyeLevel 數學採用全英語教學 –「核心目標為發展學生全面的數學能力和英語數學理解能力」,課程總共有23個級別是由淺入深的學習,從訓練學生的基礎數學能力進而延伸到邏輯數學的概念掌握與運用。透過 EyeLevel 數學的訓練,可以提升學習專注力強化數學運算思維,增強數理能力的自信心。

EyeLevel Math takes the student through a progression of 32 levels of study, beginning with foundational skills (Basic Thinking), and culminating with advanced concepts and applications (Critical Thinking). Upon completion of EyeLevel Math, the student will have mastered basic arithmetic operations and mathematical thinking, while developing greater concentration, better study habits, and increased self-confidence.

eye level dazhi
eye level dazhi english

EyeLevel 英語以美國教育部課程標準為基礎,適用於以英語為第二語言 (ESL) 的學生。完成 8 級課程後,學生將從基本的運動技能和字母基礎知識發展到複雜的句子、閱讀理解和寫作。

EyeLevel English is based on the U.S. Department of Education curriculum standards and adapted for students who use English as a Second Language (ESL). Upon completion of the 8-level program, the student will have progressed from basic motor skills and alphabet fundamentals to complex sentences, reading comprehension, and writing.

教學 EyeLevel Class

eye level dazhi class


Each student receives 1:1 coaching to review previous topic and to introduce the next topic. Self directed learning to develop thinking skills followed by assessment to evaluate mastery and progression using critical thinking problems and instruction before advancing to the next topic.

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